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Mrs. Sajna K.A

Mrs. Sajna K.A


MA. Psychology, Ms. Counseling & psychotherapy

Mrs. Sajna K.A specialised in: MSC. Applied psychology at Bharathiar university 2016. She also has MA in Psychology (IGNOU) (2020), MS. counselling & phytotherapy (IBMS) DLDM in house training program at ittimani hospital. Brief about the stages of career advancement till now including experience: Student counsellor at Al-Ameen public school (2016-2020), Active volunteer in the project udbodh (cochin university), Master trainer of Bodhi- project on Dementia by CUSAT, Social Justice department district administration Ernakulam) (2022-23), Reward of Dementia ambassador by (CUSAT), NSDC Certified trainee.

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